An instant hit of happy at the Colour Makes People Happy paint shop in Dulwich

When we first moved into our Southeast London house, I knew I wanted to remove some dark floral wallpaper in our front room and paint it a light, soothing green. I remembered seeing what looked like a fun paint shop going by the name of Colour Makes People Happy in our neighbourhood, so I decided to check it out.
As soon as I walked in, I knew this was no ordinary paint shop. I was immediately taken by the childlike atmosphere and the wall of paint samples, which are Dutch clogs painted in a rainbow of colour. And I was thoroughly entertained by the paint names such as a hot pink called “many a man in love with a dimple makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl.” I’m certain there is no other paint colour in the world with that name!
Not only can you shop for paint here, but you can also create some cool spin art on a potter’s wheel, host a party, admire art in the gallery space, or watch a film in the cinema room. And you’re likely to have a fun chat with Simon, the charismatic and super creative owner. Whether or not you’re in need of paint, on a grey London day, it’s a great place to pop in for an inspiring dose of colour.
Images by Leigh Metcalf